Tuna Rating
Jack Mcallin
The total nerd of the gang, wanting nothing more but to have an excuse to not attend a drunken party with idiots he can't wait to get away from never mind spend a weekend with them all! But, as things get tense, Jack is seen as our calm logical hero, doing anything he can to save his friendsfrom this blood thirsty preditor.
Played by-
Kyle marsh
Nate Jackson
Nate's the laid back cool slick all star jock of the school, always being used to the lime light, but theres noone he'd rather spend his time with then the all time nerdy boy. So when we pulls him along for one night to party. Man do things spiral out of control.
Played by-
Leon Smith
Played by-
Leon Smith
Tyler (ty) Jones
Tyler is the quck easily wound up kid of the group, always keeping himself to himself not wanting others to interfere. Even though he is encourgaed by Nate to join them on their final vacation, he later on opens up to the survivours around him and shows his true colours.
Played by-
Alana grey
Sarah Wiles
The old childhood friend of Jack, Sarah is your stereotypical pretty girls with the nicey nice attitude. When the weekend part plan arises, shes one of the first to encourage the group to go but when it all turns, as one by one people are picked off she begins to turn from her shy self to a woman read to fight back!
Into the Darkness
The movie has been described as this years biggest Shark thriller with one of the biggest budgets known to man for its production, mass amount of cast memebers and a decent use of almost realistic CGI for its Doom Day Sharks.
As you can see from their headlining poster (on the left) the sharks has been described to be a prestoric mix of the bowmouth and of course the great white, being upto 45 feet long, possessing quick agility and a thirst for human flesh.
During the summer of 2016, 4 friends head out to one of the biggest parties of the year. Each and every year, the students of gull high, in the state of teneneese, head out to a secret island surrounded by a ginormous lake. Where all things are private and with no-one to complain or watch over these kids, so what could go wrong as they have biggest party of their lives before they all depart from high school?
But, this year. these high schoolers are not alone.
For all good things must always come to an end, right? As each and every student is picked off one by one, there is no escape from this island unless its by boat. But this Creature isntfoolish now, it knowns what it wants and knows exactly how to get it.
Are our teens brave enough to face up against this killer Shark, corrupted by darkness and the thirst for these drunken teens.