How did watching this make you feel?
Calm, relaxed, fassinated, chilled, happy?
Well, straying away from the everyday image we see spread across media platforms. This is how sharks act within the wild. Of course their in a different setting to their usual life style. But sharks are not vicious killers constantly on the prowl with a thirst for human flesh. Their graceful magnificent creatures just getting along just like everything else within the world.
Fin Facts
For over the past 20 years, Sharks across the globe have been forced into rescue due to the increased rate of shark culling. Many people belive this idea of culling allows the waters to become more safe for the peolple who want to explore the oceon without becoming someones lunch. In reality the likelyness of a person being attacked and killed by a shark is almolst one in a million. Almost 4-6 shark attacks occur every year. Most people of course, would not belive these statistics, but would they believe that over 100 million sharks are killed each year. For the simple pleasures of culling, sport and their fins and teeth.
As much as people may find these figures extreme or just exagerated, but by the end of 2014 those were the exact figures for the deth toll in sharks. All for the intrest of humans, for freedom to surf and to escape from this over hyped up fear of death.
So whats the big deal?
To humanity, this may not seem a big deal. For the prime simple fact, that we live within a world where humans believe they are the superior race. A world where its really, every man for themself.
As humans, we learn from the media and the things that occour around us, teaching us what to fear and what to adore. Animals such as Lions, Tigers and even Bears are all vicious preditors that are known for attacking humans on several occasions in the past and present. However, because these animals have a little bit of fur and dwell on the same land as us, they are treated with more dignity and honour and are accepted within society as cute disney heroes and are the surviving protags for most fictional productions. So why is it so different for the Sharks? Why aren't sharks good enough to be a disney star or be the cute little animal kids dream of having as their very own pet? What makes them so different from the rest of society is through the publication within fictional films and exploited news articles never depicting the truth of how these guys really do act.
How are sharks seen then?
Sharks are often depicted within the horror genre of films, coming under the catagories of thillers, slashers, gore and sometimes even comedy. However, within each and every block busting shark production, Sharks are depicted as the evil force trying to consume and destroy human life. they have been labeled as human hunters by big film companies and even news reporters, stiring up that fear. However, i think what makes people scared the most about these amazing creatures, is the fact that when were in the ocean we can't see or hear them. On land we hear the callings of animals and can depict how far they are away, however within the oceon we are defensless. Which makes us become to fear them the most.